Imagine investigating crypto criminals for a living, only to find yourself detained in Nigeria after accepting an invitation for a compliance meeting. This is the reality for Tigran Gambaryan, where a business trip took an unexpected turn.
Gary Gensler has come out swinging. On Monday, the SEC levelled charges at Binance and CZ. The following day, it was Coinbase’s turn. This time, the gloves are off, but the stakes are higher than ever.
It’s all come crashing down for SBF, FTX and Alameda. Whether motivated by greed or altruism, the result is the same. The ends don’t justify the means - not when it ends like this.
Decentralisation was once a core value. Has the game changed or is it just the players? Developers are already building cross chain bridges, but as BSC and other centralised chains start to increase their adoption, some parts of the community become quite concerned. ETH gas fees are too damn high.